Aug 2, 2008

New location!

We continue to be appreciative of your generous prayer and financial support toward our upcoming international service trip to help people in distant countries! When we first began planning for our trip, the task of raising the necessary funds seemed like an overwhelming challenge. We stepped out on faith and prayed for kind people like you and you responded with an unbelievable generosity. We have prayed for you often and have not forgotten the spirit in which you gave your gift.
For those of you who have kept up on our progress, you know the planning has not been without some bumps in the road. In late July we learned that the trip was officially canceled due to low enrollment.
However, new opportunities are on the horizon. Thanks to the advice of Pastor Janet Grill (a Lutheran Pastor in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania ) we have been led to the good people at Globe Aware, a non-profit organization which has been compared to a ‘mini Peace Corps’. We are impressed with the Globe Aware commitment to go beyond ‘giving out charity to create self reliance”. This is the same model adopted by our denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America’s international outreach ministries.
Globe Aware service is profound. They will provide us with the structure and opportunity to work side by side with local communities of various faith traditions. The opportunities for personally sharing our faith in Christ are endless---in a manner that is sincere, respectful, and relational.
So, where are we heading? We are heading to Thailand to work in a local community while teaching English, enhancing capacity at a Rehabilitation Center , providing emergency relief, helping the elderly and disadvantaged. Specific projects will be adjusted to the most pressing need at the time.
While the cost of this mission will be higher than our original plans to travel to Peru , our own contributions and support from others has made this possible.
Again, thank you for your support, your prayers, and your encouragement. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel from October 2-12, 2008 .

Thank you for keeping up with our changes along the way!

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