May 22, 2008

Almost ready to take on the Amazon!

Greeting all!

It’s been a while since we’ve updated but it’s been all good news along the way. The love, support, and generous donations continue to be sent from our AWESOME family and friends. More thanks to send! As September 30th approaches, the anticipation mounts. And the more we read about the needs in the Amazon jungle towns, the more we itch to get there! They need us and it’s beyond obvious.

It’s times like this when you realize how many good people there are out there. So many have stepped up to help and support. We definitely have some great friends and family to be thankful for.

An update on our goal to finance this mission – We are now 75% there and very excited! Our next payment is due in early June so we are grateful for EACH and EVERY donation we receive. Since word of mouth is just as important, please continue to spread the word of our work and goals. You all are GREAT!

Peace to all. Please keep us in your prayers.

Jill and Rich