Jul 12, 2008

**Breaking NEWS - Please VOTE**

We just found out some breaking news. We may not end up in Peru. It’s not as bad as it sounds. Initially, we were very disappointed to hear that our trip could potentially be cancelled due to low enrollment. But we are determined to still do mission work with the funds we have raised. On July 25 we find out if the trip is on or off. We are asking your help in making a decision. Please use the survey to the left to help us decide. You can also send us an email at the off2peru email address further down the page. Please cast your vote today!

Still unkown is the cost and dates of each place. We are obviously in a holding pattern for now. VOTE! Give us YOUR opinion. There have been many requests for updates – so this came at perfect timing. Thanks in advance for your help!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do all these new trips sound like the names for the next Survivor?

Survivor Alaska: Denali Park
Survivor Australia: The Great Barrier Reef
Survivor Jesus: The Holy Land